Video Help


Video Help

Video not loading?

Load time can take between a few seconds to a minute depending on your connection speed. If you're getting a pop-up window, the clip will begin auto-playing shortly.

If you're not seeing a pop-up window at all after clicking on the video content, you'll need to enable your browser to accept pop-up windows.

Internet Explorer (IE) directions

  1. Open IE.
  2. On the Tools menu, point to Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings.
  3. In the Address of Web site to allow box, type in this web site's address and then click Add.

Firefox directions

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options and then select Content. From there, you can do the following things:
    • Block pop-up windows: Deselect this option to disable the pop-up blocker altogether.
    • If you choose to select the block pop-up windows option, hit the Exceptions button and type in this web site's address and click Allow.